C:\Documents and Settings\cracker\My Documents\My Music\Unknown Artist\Unknown Album (7-24-2005 3-37-31 PM)\04 Track 4.wma http://www.archive.org/download/mulberry_hills_1/02Track2.wma

Monday, April 18, 2005

requiem for a dream

there are times in this life when your not sure what to do. what do you do when you like a person deeply but an akwardness kinda makes you wonder. will it all work out. so many thing i still dont know. can she be as crazy as i need her to be is she willing to try new experiences is she sure of herself. one kiss and i will know. for sure . its all in a first kiss. that is what sparks my light. it is one thing i need to know before anything will be certain. ive been nervous lately but today i cant be, so look into my eyes and tell me what you see. tell me what did you feel. how was it. i need to know if this is a for sure . because if im gonna give myself to you i need to know if its worth it for real.how will you be there for me. how will you make me see that you need me too? that you want me too? proof. i dont want this to fizzle out. if you are for sure well find out tonite.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*awkwardness [hey i thought you said you wouldnt misspell that word again =O lol ]

maybe one thing that makes it awkward is because we never hang out, but only see eachother at school. we need to spend some time together out of school one of these days..I dunno about you but i hate having relationships or friendships with someone thats just school based.. mainly cuz im bairly mentally there at school.. just focused on school shit [try atleast... but doesnt exactly happen..] There are also many other things that i am hesitent on.. one of which is whether or not i should give in to this relationship stuff again. I dont even know why im so drawn to you.. Usually i wouldnt see you as my type either [if i even have a type?], considering the type of people ive been with. but like i said.. maybe this is what i really need. something different.. someone that i can share experiences with.. someone that makes me smile by just looking at them... that i cant stand a day not being able to talk to them ..because they make even the shittiest days seem alright..

its really an unexplainable feeling- when you have a sense of joy when not one word is spoken, and when you do, you cant seem to say the right words and end up making a fool of yourself but they still admire you the same way..

8:57 PM  

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